Saturday 19 May 2012

Our environmental laws are under attack

Wollemi National Park - B Kearns
Right now, developers and mining companies are lobbying to weaken essential environmental protections and public participation rights in the planning system in order to get fast-tracked development approvals.

The natural environment - our bushland, coasts, forests and rivers – is under very real threat. Long term strategic planning and robust environmental assessment is needed to keep our air and water clean and safe, and protect the health and well being of local communities. 

In recent weeks, Government has lent its support to developer initiated proposals for land release areas, raising concerns about their commitment to long term strategic planning.

Will the Government deliver on its election promise to protect the environment and put the community back into planning? Or will the Government side step strategic planning processes and make deals with developers at the expense of our environment and our communities?

Unless people like you and I stand up to defend hard won environmental protections and community rights we may see developers and mining companies get their way. We need to take action to ensure that the Government delivers on its election promise to protect the environment and put the community back into planning.

Take action – Tell the NSW Government to enact a planning system that protects our environment and our communities.

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